TRACE Fire Protection and Safety
Richmond, Kentucky 40475
January 31, 2011
Good Day:
Thank you for attending Fire and Materials 2011 and participating in the Fire and Explosion Investigator Safety; Issue or Myth presentation. Hopefully, it was informative and caused you to reflect on past practices.
Below are links to the papers and research information that were included in my paper, some additional items that I think are useful, as well as a PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentation and my Fire Investigator Safety related presentation during ISFI 2010.
Again, thanks for participating and I hope that the following information is useful.
Ron Hopkins, CFEI, CFPS
859-624-1136 Voice
859-623-6863 FAX
Fire and Explosion Investigator Safety: Issue or Myth
Fire Investigator Safety-ISFI-2010 Ron Hopkins ISFI Paper
Fire Investigator Safety-ISFI-2010 Ron Hopkins ISFI PowerPoint
OSHA and the Fire Investigator Dan Churchward’s Article
ATF Respiratory Hazard Evaluation NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report and Recommendations
ATF Uniform Contamination NOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report and Recommendations
NIOSH Alert – Fire Fighters July 2010
NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program
Fire Investigator Dies after Being Struck by a Chimney that collapsed during an Origin and Cause Fire Investigation, New York NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program, May 14, 1999
Arson Investigator Dies from Injuries Sustained from a Fall During an Arson Investigation – Illinois NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program, April 23, 2001
Bibliography of Fire Fighter Exposure Assessment Study
NIOSH Study of Cancer among Fire Fighters http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/fire/cancerStudy.html
Fire Fighter Exposure to Smoke Particulates Final Report Executive Summary UL, University of Cincinnati, and Chicago Fire Department
Fire Fighter Exposure to Smoke Particulates Final Report The full report is located on the UL Fire Service related page. Once there, follow the link located in the left hand table, the file is large and will take a little while to download, but worth it.
Respiratory Exposure Study for Fire Fighters and other Emergency Responders This link will take you to the NFPA Fire Protection Research Foundation. There are two items of interest, Risk Factors for Fire Fighter Cardiovascular Disease – Executive Summary and the Respirator Exposure Study for Fire Fighters and other Emergency Responders Report, this report contains 4 parts.
Fire Fighter Safety during overhaul at the Manhattan Fire Department This paper was written by Scott Clark of the Manhattan Fire Department as a part of the Executive Fire Officer Leadership Program, US National Fire Academy.
Characterization of Fire Fighter Exposures during Overhaul, “Phoenix Study”
A Structured System for Fire Investigator Safety Michael Donahue
Voluntary Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines OSHA Fact Sheet No. OSHA 97-37